Which browsers should you try if you don’t trust Firefox anymore?
Category: English
My bucket list: 13 things I plan to do before I die
Don’t panic! I’m fine, but these aren’t the most peaceful times, so I’m going to make a list of things I’ve always wanted to do.
I have and idea: a mobile app helping to search for people in the crowd
It sounds stupid and almost useless, but in some situations you really need something that would slightly help you look for people in a crowd. Just an idea.
I have an idea: Newthon – the successor of Maxthon browser
I know many people who still use old versions of Maxthon, but today it’s too hard. What if we try to fix it?
Why don’t I use Telegram yet?
To be honest, I never trusted Telegram and its creators, but I was one of those who tried to defend the service when it was blocked in many countries, and I have to admit that today Telegram is one of the main social networks in the world and now this is the main alternative to Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. So, why don’t I use Telegram? The answer is simple: I can not.
Looking for the perfect messenger…
Today many people are looking for an alternative to WhatsApp, but I’ve been looking for the perfect messenger for many years. Do you believe that the perfect messenger exists or can exist? I do not, because even if you find something close to your ideal, you will still need people who will use it too. Popular solutions are never perfect!
The Beginner’s Guide to the Privacy. Part 1
For a long time I wanted to write my own online privacy guide, but every time I tried the text seemed too complicated and too boring. Today many people don’t even know how to switch their search engine. Big search engines like Google know this and ready to pay to be the default search engine in your browser. We need to change it!
Perry Noyd: Technologies vs. Coronavirus
How technology can help us in the fight against the spread of coronavirus? If we know who has been infected already, how to warn people who have contacted them about the dangers? Now almost everyone has a smartphone and use it every day. Can we use it to prevent infection or warn you of a potential danger?
Perry Noyd: Let’s write privacy guide together
When I begun writing notes for this blog, I wrote mainly about Maxthon and extensions for Maxthon, but then (after Exatel’s report) privacy became the main topic for me. What’s […]
The main reason to hate Brave
Sorry if I use wrong terms: in my native language Internet data package that I used today /this month is called «traffic»: 500MB daily, 20GB monthly, etc. I am not […]
I have an idea: PetsMap
I have an idea: what if we make a special map for lost / found pets? If you lost your dog, you can just select a search area and when […]
I have an idea: Dcrypt
I have an idea: what if we make a simple and convenient extension for text encryption? In theory, it would work on all websites you need (twitter, facebook, email, etc.): […]
Why should Vivaldi add some privacy protection features?
Many browsers try to protect their users from surveillance on the Internet, many browsers provide their users with a pre-installed ad blocker, but most browsers are confident that they can […]
Looking for the perfect browser… Part 1. UI/UX
What does your browser need to be perfect? Sidebar for mobile websites like on Vivaldi? Split screen to work with several websites like on Maxthon? Pop-out video to save your […]
What about Brave?
About a week ago I switched from Chrome (it never was my default browser, but sometimes I used it because of some extensions) to Brave (I’m sure this is one […]